intelligent document processing

Intelligent Document Processing News: Weekly Recap

In this section we cover news, insights and trivia about Intelligent Document Processing (IDP), share interesting articles, upcoming webinars, events and more.

Box and DataBank join forces to transform content management

The Intelligent Content Cloud Box has announced a partnership with process automation and data solutions provider DataBank IMX to transform content management.

IDP vendor Klippa is acquired by SER Group

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) vendor Klippa has announced that it has been acquired by intelligent content solutions provider SER Group.

Intelligent Document Processing News: Weekly Recap

In this section we cover news, insights and trivia about Intelligent Document Processing (IDP), share interesting articles, upcoming webinars, events and more.

Ripcord and Palantir Technologies join forces to unlock data

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) provider Ripcord has announced a strategic partnership with software company Palantir to unlock enterprise data.

Context Aware IDP: The Next Generation of Intelligent Document Processing

Opinion Piece by Satish Grampurohit Co-Founder and CEO of Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) vendor Cogniquest AI.

IDP vendor ABBYY opens new AI Labs in the US, India, Hungary

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) vendor ABBYY has announced the opening of new AI Labs in the US, India, Hungary to deliver developer-friendly automation.

Intelligent Document Processing News: Weekly Recap

In this section we cover news, insights and trivia about Intelligent Document Processing (IDP), share interesting articles, upcoming webinars, events and more.

KnowledgeLake and OMG join forces to modernize mailroom ops

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) vendor KnowledgeLake has announced a partnership with managed mailroom provider OMG (Onsite Management Group).